Only Done Right Daily

A free, daily email newsletter with practical insights into digital strategy and transformation, designed for both practitioners and executives looking to make processes and technology work better.

Each email is a two minute read packed with content on how to continually drive digital transformation in your organization.

Roger Mitchell Roger Mitchell

Applying the Swiss Cheese Metaphor to Your People

When it comes to your current and future states of your business processes and systems, a critical component is the people involved. However, sometimes we overlook this and identify gaps later than would be ideal. Let's see how Swiss cheese can help us.

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Roger Mitchell Roger Mitchell

How to Organize Requirements with Three Passes

Whenever we're planning changes to how a business process or system functions, a bunch of information is captured upfront as part of meeting notes, research, and documented requirements. One of the challenges is how to organize these during the discovery phase, so let's see how three passes helps make this process easier.

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Roger Mitchell Roger Mitchell

Why & How to Make Async Collaboration Work for Your Team

Practically everyone has been in a meeting that should have been an email, Slack message, or quick screen recording. However, so many organizations continue to perpetuate the cycle, even though async collaboration increases productivity.

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Roger Mitchell Roger Mitchell

Why People Resist Digital Changes & How to Help Them Adapt

Even though you might be excited to drive digital transformation within your organization, you'll likely encounter folks that do not share the same level of excitement. Let's discuss why people resist changes and how to help them adapt.

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Roger Mitchell Roger Mitchell

How to Identify & Prioritize Use Cases for AI

Figuring out where to integrate AI into your organization is a challenging exercise, as the viability of each use case requires granular understanding about the business process, people, and systems involved. However, it's also essential to consider where AI can assist in streamlining and enhancing how you work.

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Roger Mitchell Roger Mitchell

Using AI to Find & Fill Accidental White Space

A powerful use of AI is identifying accidental white space in how your organization positions itself and executes its business processes. Let's explore how to find and fill these gaps using data and AI.

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Roger Mitchell Roger Mitchell

Why Done Doesn't Mean Stable & How to Assess Stability

When digital transformation projects come to an end, we consider those changes to business processes or systems as being done (for now). However, this does not mean that we're also stable. Let's use a metaphor to see how done and stable are not the same, then we'll take a look at three points to help assess stability.

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Roger Mitchell Roger Mitchell

How to More Precisely Estimate Total Cost of Ownership

To help your organization estimate the total cost of ownership for a new technology platform, let's look at how to structure your estimates, why these costs are essential, and where deeper due diligence can prevent underestimating or missing key items.

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Roger Mitchell Roger Mitchell

Understanding Total Cost of Ownership

Embarking on swapping or adding technology platforms involves a mix of one-time and ongoing expenses, although organizations often are bound when their estimated costs are too low, thus running into budget constraints.

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Roger Mitchell Roger Mitchell

Building & Improving Your Personal Productivity

An area where you have complete control is how to maintain and grow your own productivity. Finding what works well can unlock your ability to make a larger impact in your organization, and potentially open doors to new opportunities elsewhere.

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